Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Neti Neti Neti

The yogis say, neti neti neti.
I am not this, not that, not the other.

The Christians say, go forth and be filled
with the Holy Spirit.

The Buddhists say, your true nature is Clear Light.

There is something more than meets the eye.
Dive deeply below the surface of your life,
what will you find there?

Turn on your searchlight,
use your miner's helmet,
and dig through the debris of all your days.
Fear not—gold gleams within the darkness.

We are not this, not that, not the other.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

naturally settled mind

"If your mind is able to settle naturally of its own accord, and if you find you are inspired simply to rest in its pure awareness, then you do not need any method of meditation. However, the vast majority of us find it difficult to arrive at that state straight away. We simply do not know how to awaken it, and our minds are so wild and so distracted that we need askillful means or method to evoke it."

"By “skillful” I mean that you bring together your understanding of the essential nature of your mind, your knowledge of your various, shifting moods, and the insight you have developed through your practice into how to work with yourself, from moment to moment. By bringing these together, you learn the art of applying whatever method isappropriate to any particular situation or problem, to transform that environment of your mind."

Sogyal Rinpoche,

nature of mind

What is the nature of mind like? Imagine a sky, empty, spacious, and pure from the beginning; its essence is like this. Imagine a sun, luminous, clear, unobstructed, and spontaneously present; its nature is like this. Imagine that sun shining out impartially on us and all things, penetrating all directions; its energy, which is the manifestation of compassion, is like this: Nothing can obstruct it, and it pervades everywhere. Sogyal Rinpoche

let the water settle

"Let the water settle; you will see the moon and stars mirrored in your being." --Jelaluddin Rumi

indivisibility of the universe